Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Love Be Enough

For a perfect life, this is what I dream,
a place with an inspiring view, uninterrupted by the concrete jungle
where creation comes together to worship as one;
a fire that never grows cold, a sun to warm my face;
a comfortable chair and interesting company
together we stand looking out, captivated by the beauty of God's nature

I'd be ever ready, with pen and paper
striving to capture and emmulate the Master Artist's work;
there wouldn't be the pressure of pleasing the publishers
I write for Him and He teaches, heals, reveals truth and inspires me

For this to be even better,
there would be others to share my life and gifts with;
someone to love me as I am
children to pass wisdom and a legacy to

Still, if I never have any of this
let love be enough.

March 6, 2007

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