Tuesday, June 09, 2009

You Alone

What offering can I bring
worthy of Your acceptance?
I have no wealth to purchase a trinket;
nothing by the world's standard of worth,
nor anything that would draw attention or accolades.
All I have is me.
If I were a tree, I'd clap my leaves in praise,
sway in the sweet breath of Your wind.
All I can be is me.
If I were a mountain, I'd rise tall and proclaim Your majesty
or bow in the valleys in reverence.
All I am is Yours.
You've given me a voice to lift in worship,
hands to clap in declaration,
and feet to dance in victory.
This is the offering I bring to You
all of me to You alone.
I'll dance and sing and worship at Your throne.
You are God alone.

June 9, 2009

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