Saturday, June 09, 2007

Chasing Butterflies

I am a child running through an open meadow
The sunlight dances upon my curls,
the grass tickles me around the legs and arms
My laughter rings out,
joining the sounds of warm summer

Here I go, chasing this way, darting that
following a butterfly
eluding my grasp
We play this game of tag
though it seems I've been "it" forever

She alights on a blossom-laden branch
and rests awhile
Here is my chance for victory
Slowly, ever so slowly I pace towards her
Snap! a branch breaks under my careful foot
and away she flies

No fear! challenge makes the reward more sought after
Resuming the chase, I dance and jump
then stop and drink in my surroundings
The warm sun, the cool breeze,
a meadow lark calling for a friend

The butterfly takes an opportunity to rest
Still within sight, I lay in the long, cool grass
looking at the clouds;
the big fluffy kind that become shapes in my mind
I find peace in this moment

Light as a whisper, the butterfly finds a new landing place
seated on my outstretched hand
I cautiously bring her closer
with motions smooth and delicate I examine her beauty

She came to me when I was at rest
and took a chance in trusting me to care for her
A bond is formed somewhere deep within us both
Satisfied, she takes to the air once more
I stand, and our journey begins

June 9, 2007

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