Thursday, January 04, 2007

Coming Down the Tracks

I've been tied down to these tracks
unable to move, unable to change my destiny
I see the train coming towards me
I see, yet didn't expect it to come this fast

I watch as it barrels down the tracks
picking up momentum, with no track switch in sight
I hear its gears grinding against each other
I hear, but didn't expect it to be this deafening

I feel the vibrations of the tracks
rattling and jostling, the ropes still hold fast
I feel as the great iron beast slams into me
I feel, not expecting it to hurt this much

I knew the train was placed by me on the tracks
fuelled by anger, loneliness that could not be contained
I knew it was coming for me
I knew, why didn't I stop it?

January 4, 2007

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