Sunday, November 05, 2006


Childhood is about making memories you carry with you for your whole life
I remember watching Fred Penner and Mr. Dress Up while eating apples every morning
I remember getting lost at the trade fair; following the wrong pair of legs until a police man saw me with the wrong people
I remember my wooden duck, pushing it around on the linoleum and listening to its feet flip-flap I remember old ugly, the tom cat that hung around our house
I remember rolling down the little hill by the apartments. When I was older I discovered the "big hill", and rolled down it!
I remember going through the haunted house Phil and Amanda made for me, because they made it just for me
I remember spending Christmas with Mrs. Bennet, my adopted grandma
I remember being chased by the black wolf from "The Never Ending Story" in my nightmares
Childhood is about learning things to shape who you are for the rest of your life.

October, 2005

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