Sunday, November 05, 2006

What’s Going On Now

Frowning, sadness and the tears
are the emotions that I fear.
They are cruel and they stole
my sanity and self control.
People have noticed how I act,
referred me to a psych in fact.
Now the counselor is trying to find
all the happiness I left behind.
Everyone tells me life isn’t fair
and so many tell me how much they care.
Pretty soon I’ll have to tell
far away family that I’m not well.
I don’t want them to be sad
and I hope that they’re not mad.
I don’t know why I thought the thoughts
that suicide was the answer I sought.
After writing the scary letters
I found that to live would be much better.
I do not want my family and friends
to hurt so much after the end.
I want to find a way
to bring back the happiness and make it stay.

December 30, 2001

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