Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Beauty to Unveil

As women we go through life
layering clothes, make-up, and jewels
trying to define our beauty
We'll try nearly anything we can find
in order to find our own beauty
We diet and exercise, not just to be healthy
but to obtain the near impossible
"perfect figure"

Where did this hunger for beauty come from?
It comes from God, the creator and true definition of beauty
Yet, we hide behind the accessories
thinking outer beauty is most important
what we're unconsciously doing is covering up our inner beauty
With every attempt at achieving worldly beauty,
we cover up the beauty God gave us

We've styled, surgically "enhanced", and made ourselves sick
all for beauty's sake
Women want to feel and be beautiful
what we don't realize is we've only managed to hide our beauty
underneath the world's standards of what beauty is

May we find the confidence, esteem and courage
to find a beauty to unveil
A beauty within ourselves, placed by God
and of the essence of God
Let us put an end to the purging, prostitution and plasticity
of the world's skewed beauty
This is a prayer, that someday
we may all find ourselves, and others, truly

December 27, 2006
needs work

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