Sunday, December 03, 2006

Darkness and Light

I turn around and see
what I've become
The light is blinding
exposing all my faults;
cracks on the surface
that run deeper than I see
Afraid of my own portrait
I turn back
and let the darkness engulf me
back in a familiar place
listening to the lies
that are whispered
and screamed at me
Each insult chips away
at the stony exterior I'd built around myself
Ignoring the pain
I go deeper within my being
forcing the walls to crumble
and collapse
Knowing the promises of the light
I chose to stay in darkness
the light had let me down too often
or so it seemed
and I would rather be broken
by something I knew was made to destroy
Oh, curse this darkness!
Why can't I trust the light
let it cleanse and restore?
Unable to withstand the torture
I withdraw
try to find the cracks of light
that still seep through
the darkness
December 3,2006

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