Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Story of Five Years

Five years, a day
the memory still won't fade away
Your words and actions caused me pain
wisdom, strength and hope was my gain
We sang happy birthday to the King
while my spirit received a broken wing

Time continued to go by
each year I tried in vain to fly
My broken wing had not begun to mend
I lost in you that day a friend
Our relationship, to never be the same
my father by station, no longer by name

This is not the end of our two part tale
I've kept holding the hand of He who paid my bail
It always comes down to the payer of my debt
for he reminds me the story isn't over yet
We've both got many years ahead of us
please, try and not cause a fuss

A lot of growth in these five years
dreams of what could have been, made with tears
My wish for you should come with ease
find something in me in which you please
Don't break me again, instead build
with my love your days will be filled

December 26, 2006

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